Sunday, March 8, 2020

Exercise Tracks in Skaraborg - Ullervad 2500 meter

Today the time has come for the 2500 meter exercise track in Ullervad, Mariestad.

This post is a part of my series on Exercise Tracks in Skaraborg, Sweden. For more click on this link.


The 2.5 km track in Ullervad is a nice exercise track with a lot of up and downhill gradients that get your hearth pumping a little extra, even during a walk.
The lights start at the parking lot on the other side of road 201 and you do not need to cross the road as there is a tunnel.


The good

  • Lights, really good light setup all around the track.
  • There were some benches and tables at the start.
  • Lights to and from the parking

The bad

  • Gets really muddy when wet

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